My first purchase

We live in a rapidly changing time. Technologies are updated faster than they manage to grow old physically. Therefore, we are increasingly looking for the opportunity to purchase new gadgets and devices at the most affordable prices.
It happens that the old film camera still works fine, but there is nowhere to buy and display films, and therefore willy-nilly you are thinking about buying a new digital compact camera.
Obviously, every buyer before a purchase, flips through a lot of forums, reads reviews of other buyers of this device, looks at the pictures he made. Some stores provide the opportunity to hold a device in your hands and take a couple of pictures.
However, we should not forget about that. that in offline stores the goods are more expensive, because the price includes the cost of renting, and much more. Therefore, many buyers prefer to shop on the Internet. Doing shopping on such sites. like ours, you will save a lot of your time and money. However, today the choice of technology, in particular cameras, is very extensive, so a novice buyer can not do without the help of experienced sellers.
Before buying, hold the device in your hand, check with the brand. Experienced photomasters recommend the company Canon or Nikon. Such brands as Olympus, Samsung, Sony and many others among the "soapboxes" did not live up to their expectations. Carefully study the model range in the selected price range. In addition, it is necessary to decide. for what purposes do you purchase a device. For example, the choice of a digital camera should take into account such factors as: the possibility of installing external flashes, the possibility of adjusting the shutter speed / aperture, the possibility of attaching additional filters, etc. Also pay attention to the fact that there are companies that produce only one type of equipment (Canon, Nikon) and there are firms that produce everything - irons, televisions, pressure cookers, kettles, video cameras and other rubbish (Samsung, Sony, etc.). It is not necessary to remind you that the choice is in favor of the former. It is also important to hold the thing in your hand, to feel how convenient it is for you to place the buttons and other controls.
Also, an important role in the selection of a seller / shop is the reputation of the store. For example, in 2009, many Internet users complained about the quality of the products of the network of shops Technopoplis. The network still has a lot of negative feedback from deceived customers. Later it turned out that this chain of stores was deliberately engaged in the sale of illiquid goods from all trading platforms, for which it was created. After surfacing this information, the owners of the firm made a quite expected decision to change the name.
When choosing a store, the first thing that smokes an unsophisticated buyer is the price of the product. However, this factor, although it is luring the buyer, does not always have to be decisive. Often, at a low price, hidden pitfalls are hidden, such as: Hidden payments, VAT refunds, delivery charges to the New Mail warehouse, packing charges, insurance fees, some impose a fee for the guarantee, thereby inventing their own laws, e. The product of some sellers can be "gray". That is, it was bought, it showed a malfunction, the goods were returned to the store, where it was somehow repaired and sold on. These moments are better to find out in advance. For example, if you are talking about cameras, you can check the shutter release counter. If they used it - on the counter it will be visible. Many sellers often have a wide spread of prices. What it depends on - you can not say beforehand, until you find out all the nuances of the work of a particular store.
In any case, when choosing a store, many factors should be taken into account. Sometimes, even the design and content of store sites can tell a lot. If you, for example, see a site with a tasteless gray design, unsuccessfully selected fonts, photos, in a rush made "left heel through the right ear," with gross grammatical mistakes in the text and in descriptions of the goods - this is a clear sign that the owners are Gypsies or Hachi. To deal with them or not, it's up to you to decide. But remember: you are not so rich people to buy cheap things.